Faculty Reporting

It is becoming increasingly important that we account for resources expended in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. This has long been an accepted responsibility, but particularly in view of the effort by the Federal establishment to provide more definitive documentation of findings and contributions, accountability of resources, as well as efforts by the State. There are several areas in which documentation and accountability should be routine.

The Annual Research Progress Report “AD-421” is submitted to CRIS in March of each year to document the specific project progress for the previous twelve month period (January to December). See Policy for Research Project Development and Approval.

Faculty Activity and Planning Report (FAPR)

The Faculty Activity and Planning Report must be executed by each faculty member to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The FAPR replaces the annual staff activity report, which is no longer a requirement. The FAPR is designed to assist department heads and the central administration in facilitating improved faculty counsel, professional management, and appropriate assignment of merit raise pools. This document may have other practical uses in judging individual faculty workload assignments and performance levels clarifying faculty administrative expectations or serving as a framework for conducting annual faculty reviews. This document should be completed and submitted to the academic department head so that all faculty FAPR can be submitted by the department head to the dean and director by February 1 of each year.

Impact Statements

Every faculty member is required and expected to submit at least one impact statement, which is a brief, clear summary of the social, environmental or economic impact of the faculty member’s efforts during the past year. It should state his/her accomplishments in a specific project or program and the payoff to society during the previous year. The impact statement should report measured impact on the college’s clientele in economic value or efficiency, environmental quality, social well-being or health and well-being. Impact statements must be submitted on the Web by November 1 of each year to be included in the college’s searchable database. A faculty member’s information could become part of the college’s response to USDA requests for impact and accountability, the college annual report for the President, reports to Congress and the state Legislature, media information and other outlets.