CAES ListServ

The College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences utilizes email ListServ lists for internal communication. Before distributing a message carefully consider the audience and ensure that the information being sent is pertinent to the ListServ members, these are not discussion lists.

The maintenance of lists varies across the college. See the information below to learn about lists used for official CAES, Department/Unit, and UGA Cooperative Extension communication. 

Hands typing on keyboard

Listserv Information and Training

Listserv is an email management service that allows students, faculty, staff and others outside the University to collaborate and share information with large groups of people. UGA's ListServ system is administered by the Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) department. 

Robust information and training documents for CAES ListServ owners and users can be found on EITS' Email and Collaboration Knowledge Base Page

  • Individuals can subscribe (or unsubscribe) themselves to Listserv lists! 

    To subscribe via email:

    Send an email to

    *Leave the subject line blank and remove any email signature* 

    Put the following in the body of the message of your email:

    Subscribe listname yourfirstname yourlastname

    An email will be sent to the email address you used to send the request for subscription. Click on the first link in the email to confirm your subscription to that requested list.

    In some cases, an email will be sent to the list owner to approve your subscription request. You should receive email confirmation upon approval. 

    To unsubscribe:

    Send an email to

    *Leave the subject line blank and remove any email signature*

    Put the following in the body of the message: signoff listname

    Do not include your name or email address in the body of the message.



CAES Official Communication Lists

CAES utilizes official Listserv lists and base lists to ensure that all regular CAES faculty & staff receive important and timely communications from the CAES Dean and Leadership. All CAES regular faculty and staff are added and removed from official “base lists” that are managed CAES Ag Business Office (ABO), which feed up to CAES Campus-Wide and College-Wide lists. 
ABO adds/removes regular CAES employees once a month, based on the prior month's employment updates (hired, terminated, and transferred in/out). If departments or individuals wish to be added/removed sooner, follow the subscribe/unsubscribe instructions linked on this page. 
See the CAES Official Communications Lists Configuration Diagram to better understand how base and sub lists work. For questions regarding CAES Official Communications Lists or base list membership, contact CAES ABO

  • The following lists are the official internal communication channels used by the Dean and CAES Leadership to reach all regular CAES and Extension faculty and staff.

    • Individuals are not directly subscribed to these lists. Instead, all regular faculty and staff are automatically subscribed through their inclusion on the official CAES base lists.

    CAES – All CAES Staff and Faculty and Extension Personnel (Combines: CAESFAC, CAESSTF, EXTALL, and all their respective sub lists)

    • Only the Dean can send to this list directly. All other communications will be sent to the Dean first for approval. 

    CAESFAC – ALL CAES Faculty (Combines: CAESFATH, CAESFGRF, CAESFOTH, CAESFTIF, EXTCOAGT, STEXTSPEC, USDAFTIF, and all their respective sub lists)

    CAESSTF – All CAES Staff (Combines: CAESSATH, CAESSGRF, CAESSOTH, CAESSTIF, EXTCOSTF, USDASTIF, CAESOIT, and all their respective sub lists)

    • Only the Dean, Associate Deans, and individuals granted special Send permission can email these lists directly. All other communications will be sent to the Dean first for approval. 
  • Official CAES Campus-Wide Lists

    The following lists are the official communication channels used by the Dean and CAES Leadership to reach all regular faculty and staff based on their campus affiliation.

    • Each of these lists is a sub list of one of the official college-wide lists.
    • All regular faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to the appropriate list through their inclusion on the official CAES base lists. Once subscribed to a base list, a CAES employee has access to email any of these lists directly.
    • These lists only include subscribers who are regular CAES faculty or staff and do not include individuals such as students, retirees, or non-CAES funded affiliates. To reach these individuals in addition to regular CAES employees, please see department, unit, and Extension managed lists. 


    Athens Campus

    Griffin Campus

    Tifton Campus


    CAES Faculty





    CAES Staff





  • The following are the official CAES Base lists used to ensure that all CAES regular faculty and staff receive communications relevant to their role, department, campus, and those intended for all CAES employees.

    • All CAES regular faculty and staff are added to or removed from an official "base list" by the CAES Ag Business Office (ABO), with the specific list determined by their academic department, role (faculty or staff), and campus. Employees not affiliated with an academic department are subscribed directly to one of the Official Campus-Wide Lists.
    • Department faculty and staff from each campus as well as the following list subscribers can email these lists directly: 
      • CAESCOUN
    • These lists only include subscribers who are regular CAES faculty or staff and do not include individuals such as students, retirees, or non-CAES funded affiliates. To reach these individuals in addition to regular CAES employees, please see department, unit, and Extension managed lists. 





    Ag & Applied Economics (AAE)

    Faculty: AAEFATH

    Staff: AAESATH

    Faculty: AAEFGRF

    Staff: AAESGRF

    Faculty: AAEFTIF

    Staff: AAESTIF

    Ag Leadership, Education & Communication (ALEC)

    Faculty: ALECFATH

    Staff: ALECSATH

    Faculty: ALECFGRF

    Staff: ALECSGRF

    Faculty: ALECFTIF

    Staff: ALECSTIF

    Animal & Dairy Science (ADS)

    Faculty: ADSFATH

    Staff: ADSSATH


    Faculty: ADSFTIF

    Staff: ADSSTIF

    Crop & Soil Science (CSS)

    Faculty: CSSFATH

    Staff: CSSSATH

    Faculty: CSSFGRF

    Staff: CSSSGRF

    Faculty: CSSFTIF

    Staff: CSSSTIF

    Entomology (ENTO)

    Faculty: ENTOFATH

    Staff: ENTOSATH

    Faculty: ENTOFGRF

    Staff: ENTOSGRF

    Faculty: ENTOFTIF

    Staff: ENTOSTIF

    Food Science & Technology (FST)

    Faculty: FSTFATH

    Staff: FSTSATH

    Faculty: FSTFGRF

    Staff: FSTSGRF


    Horticulture (HORT)

    Faculty: HORTFATH

    Staff: HORTSATH

    Faculty: HORTFGRF

    Staff: HORTSGRF

    Faculty: HORTFTIF

    Staff: HORTSTIF

    Plant Pathology (PPATH)

    Faculty: PPATHFATH

    Staff: PPATHSATH

    Faculty: PPATHFGRF

    Staff: PPATHSGRF

    Faculty: PPATHFTIF

    Staff: PPATHSTIF

    Poultry Science (PS)

    Faculty: PSFATH

    Staff: PSSATH


    Faculty: PSFTIF

    Staff: PSSTIF



Department and Unit Managed Communication Lists

In addition to CAES’ official communication lists, which are maintained by CAES ABO, there are many other CAES affiliated lists that are maintained by various department and support offices. 
The following is a non-exhaustive list. For more information on membership or additional lists, contact the associated department or support office.

Academic Department Lists

The following lists are managed by their respective CAES academic departments. Unlike the CAES Official Communication Lists, these lists include not only regular CAES department employees but also additional individuals, such as faculty from other departments, temporary employees, graduate students, graduate assistants, post-docs, affiliates, or retirees, who may send and receive departmental communications.

  • Regular CAES employees are automatically added to the appropriate department email lists based on their official base list managed by the CAES ABO. For example, a Plant Pathology staff member in Athens would be subscribed to both the PPATH-ATH and PPATHSTF lists when added to the PPATHSATH list.
  • If an individual is subscribed to a department faculty or staff list, they are automatically subscribed to the “all department” list. For example, someone subscribed to AAEFAC is automatically subscribed to CAES-AAE and does not need to be added to that list separately.
  • The associated department/unit is responsible for updating who can/cannot email their lists. In general, these lists are set to allow subscribers to post. Additionally, the following list subscribers have been added as special senders to the lists with these naming conventions CAES-DEPT, DEPT-ATH, DEPT-GRF, DEPT-TIF, DEPTFAC, DEPTSTF:
  • Adding or removing subscribers from these lists is done at the discretion of the affiliated department and department list manager. Contact the department if you would like to be added to one of the following lists. 
  • Many departments have additional lists for specific departmental subgroups. Contact the associated department for information regarding their additional departmentally managed lists. 

  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:
  • List Owner:

CAES Building Lists

The following lists exist to provide CAES employees who occupy or are associated with certain campus buildings with important building updates. 
This list is not exhaustive and includes only building lists created and maintained by CAES ABO. 


    The Conner Hall list exists to provide building updates for occupants of Conner Hall.


    *When subscribing, an approval request will be sent to the Listserv owner. Once approved, you should receive email confirmation. 


    The Hoke Smith/Annex list exists to provide building updates for occupants of Hoke Smith/Annex. 

    This list is moderated by CAES OIT. All messages sent to the group will be routed to the moderators for approval before posting. 


    *When subscribing, an approval request will be sent to the Listserv owner. Once approved, you should receive email confirmation.



Cooperative Extension Communication Lists

The following email Listserv lists are the official method of internal communication for UGA Cooperative Extension. The maintenance and administration of each Extension list varies. See below for more information regarding list function and management.
See the UGA Cooperative Extension Official Communications Lists Configuration Diagram to better understand how base and sub lists work.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of Extension Listservs. Contact the appropriate district or Extension support unit if you would like to be added to one of the following lists or for more information regarding their other Extension lists.

  • The following lists are the official internal communication channels used to reach all Extension faculty and staff. Excluding, EXTRETIRED, individuals are not typically directly subscribed to these lists. Instead, all Extension personnel are automatically subscribed through their inclusion on Extension base lists which feed up to various sub-lists. 

    State-wide Extension lists are moderated and administered by the Office of the Associate Dean for Extension

    EXTALL – All Extension Faculty & Staff. Use this list for official business only. Use this list for significant information of interest to all program areas at the state and county level. This list does not capture retired Extension personnel.

    EXTANNOUNCE – EXTALL & EXTRETIRED. This list is for announcements only. Use this list to distribute non-business information of interest to all Extension employees. Please note that personal information concerning a death or sickness of an employee’s family should only be shared with the employee’s permission and should be limited to immediate family (father, mother, child, spouse). Please do not use this list to advertise personal for sale items.

    EXTANR – All ANR Faculty & Staff. Use this list for all statewide ANR programmatic information.

    EXT4H – All 4-H Faculty & Staff. Use this list for all statewide 4-H programmatic information.

    EXTFACS – All FACS Faculty & Staff. Use this list for all statewide FACS programmatic information.

    EXTRETIRED – All Retired Extension

    Subscribe - EXTRETIRED

  • Use these lists to target faculty/staff within a single district.

    District offices administer the following lists. In most cases, individuals are not directly subscribed to these lists. Instead, Extension personnel are automatically subscribed to the relevant list once added to the correct Extension Base List by their district administrator.






    ALL District Faculty & Staff





    District Agents





    District CECs





    District ANR





    District 4-H





    District FACS






  • The following lists are moderated and administered by the Office of the Associate Dean for Extension. Please see below for more information regarding their use and audiences. 

    EXTCOALL – All Extension Faculty and Staff. This list should be used when the intended audience is only county offices. This is a good list for programmatic registration announcements such as livestock shows that have statewide interest. No state specialists are on this list so you should CC: as appropriate.

    EXTCOAGT – All County/District Faculty and County UGE addresses. This list is not commonly used. Use this list for faculty-only information such as public service promotion details or information concerning faculty council voting. Note that faculty members housed in departments are not on this list.

    EXTCOSTF – All County / District Staff and County UGE addresses. This list is not commonly used. This list is for county and district staff information.

    EXTCEC – All CECs and District addresses only. Use this list to communicate with all CECs in the state. Note that county UGE addresses are not included on this list.

  • Extension base lists are the backbone of the Extension ListServ hierarchy and are not intended for regular use. You must obtain special permission from the list owner if you need to message any of these lists.

    The system is designed so that districts can add/remove Extension personnel from ONE list. Subscription to an Extension base list automatically subscribes the employee to all relevant district, county, state, and Extension wide lists. Contact your district administrator for list and membership information.






    ANR Agents





    ANR Educators










    4H Agents





    4H Educators





    4H CEPAs





    FACS Agents





    FACS Educators 





    FACS CEPAs  










    County Coordinators







CAES Listserv FAQs

Below you will find CAES specific Listserv user information not covered on EITS' Listserv Knowledge Base Page

  • To email a list, use the list name followed by If you are emailing a list that you are subscribed to, you should receive a copy of the message you sent. If you are emailing a list that you are not subscribed to consider cc’ing yourself.

  • This is determined by each Listserv owner. If allowed, only MS Word, PDF, and image formats are allowed.

  • Yes, sending to multiple lists is possible, and each list name should be separated according to your email syntax. 

    Note that when sending to more than one list at a time, the Listserv system will filter out duplicate messages to the same person. For instance, in the above email example, if a person is on both lists, then they would only receive ONE of the messages. Aim to use the list that best matches your intended audience.

  • When replying to an email by just clicking “reply,” your message will go to EVERYONE on the list.  Be VERY careful not to reply in this manner as CAES Listservs are NOT discussion lists. Instead, if you would like to reply directly to the sender, use the “forward to” option in Outlook and use the sender’s email as this will prevent your message from going to everyone on the Listserv.

    In cases where the list is moderated, your reply and/or message to the Listserv will be released by the moderator if deemed appropriate. Otherwise, it would not be released to all subscribers of a list.  Note that many of the CAES lists are NOT moderated.

  • People outside of CAES cannot email official CAES Communications Lists, which are managed by CAES ABO. However, people outside of CAES can email a department, unit, or Extension managed list if they have been added by the list owner/administrator. 

ListServ LoginGeneral ListServ Support

For CAES Official Communication list questions, contact CAES ABO

For CAES Academic Department or Unit list questions, contact the associated department or unit. 

For Extension or District list questions, contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Extension or the associated district.